Alpay Kemal Atalan in pictures and photos, There are 96 pictures in this album -> Turkish TV series -> Genco - TV Series -> Alpay Kemal Atalan

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Alpay Kemal Atalan; Turkish Actor

Alpay was born on the 9th of January, 1978 in a town called Zonguldak which is capital of Zonguldak Province in the Black Sea region of Turkey. He completed his undergraduate studies in Ankara in a Private High School then he majored in Music and Stage Arts at the Bilkent University in Turkey.
Alpay is said to be from a wealthy and very known family in Turkey, but as an actor, it was his role in "Genco" the Soap Opera drama series that got him famous on his own. The Turkish series was aired in 2007 and it became instantly popular. Although Alpay started a career in acting since 2002 and appeared in six more series since that time, it was "Genco" that made him pretty well-known. This in particular was translated into Arabic for the MBC TV channel by the name "الحلم الضائع" which means "The Lost Dream". In it Genco or Amer "عمرو" is the hero of the romantic series. He appears as a survival from the earthquake that sadly hit Turkey back in the nineties. He has a major goal which is to find his long lost sister and to protect her after he thought she,"Ozge" or "اسما", was also gone under the wreckage of the earthquake with the rest of his family. Another character appears, a young lady which is now a friend of his sister's, Pinar or "منار" and a love relationship blossoms with many troubles and hardships, specially that she is a wealthy girl and he is just a poor orphan.

عمرو بطل المسلسل الرومانسي "الحلم الضائع". المسلسل يحكي قصة شاب نجى من الزلزال الذي ضرب تركيا في التسعينات. هدفة الرئيسي هو ان يحمي شقيقته "اسمى - اسماء" الفاقدة للذاكرة -التي ظن انها قتلت تحت انقاض الزلزال مع امه و ابوة و التي وجدها بعد سنين طويلة صدفة- . تتطولر القصة و يتعرف عمرو على منار و تبدأ قصة حب بينهما تتكلل بالكثير من المصاعب والمشقات ، وخاصة أنها فتاة ثرية وانه مجرد شاب فقير و يتيم
Alpay Atalan
Alpay Atalan
By User: ritamarina
1 Votes, 5/5
Alpay Atalan 1
Alpay Atalan 1
By User: ritamarina
0 Votes, 0/5
Alpay Atalan 2
Alpay Atalan 2
By User: ritamarina
0 Votes, 0/5
Alpay Atalan 3
Alpay Atalan 3
By User: ritamarina
1 Votes, 5/5
Alpay Atalan 4
Alpay Atalan 4
By User: ritamarina
0 Votes, 0/5
Alpay Atalan 5
Alpay Atalan 5
By User: ritamarina
1 Votes, 5/5
Alpay Atalan 6
Alpay Atalan 6
By User: ritamarina
1 Votes, 5/5
Alpay Atalan 7
Alpay Atalan 7
By User: ritamarina
0 Votes, 0/5
Alpay Kemal Atalan and Selen Seyven Photoshoot 8
Alpay Kemal Atalan and Selen Seyven Photoshoot 8
By User: xTrinity
2 Votes, 4/5
Alpay Kemal Atalan and Selen Seyven Photoshoot 4
Alpay Kemal Atalan and Selen Seyven Photoshoot 4
By User: panicattack
0 Votes, 0/5

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