Basel Khoury in pictures and photos, There are 212 pictures in this album -> Star Academy LBC -> Star Academy Past Seasons -> Star Academy Season Seven -> Star Academy 7 Students -> Basel Khoury

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باسل خوري من الأردن - Basel Khouri From Jordan

Basel Khoury is a 23 years old guy who was born on May 11th, 1987 in Amman, Jordan. Basel's musical talent was obvious since he was a young kid, where his family encouraged his love for music. He started performing for audience when he was in school at the age of six yeard old. Basel now is a grown man, and his love for music has grown strong since that day, he now plays the guitar, drums and piano. In Jordan, he participated in many summer festivals, where he and his band performed for more that three years. In 2005, Basel Khoury formed a band called ‘Vengo Band’. Lately, Basel decided that musical career should move forward and he auditioned for Star Academy hoping to be the first Jordanian who gets the title. Check all about Basil Khoury at
Basel Khoury picture while playing the guitar and performing on stage at a concert 37
Basel Khoury picture while playing the guitar and performing on stage at a concert 37
By User: redeyepics
0 Votes, 0/5
Basel Khoury photo shoot 4
Basel Khoury photo shoot 4
By User: singlebraincelled
1 Votes, 5/5
Basel Khoury photo with Mohamad Qwaider from season five 2
Basel Khoury photo with Mohamad Qwaider from season five 2
By User: singlebraincelled
1 Votes, 5/5
Basel Khoury picture while playing the guitar and performing on stage at a concert 1
Basel Khoury picture while playing the guitar and performing on stage at a concert 1
By User: bignoseeddy
0 Votes, 0/5
Basel Khoury photo with Mohamad Qwaider from season five 11
Basel Khoury photo with Mohamad Qwaider from season five 11
By User: bignoseeddy
1 Votes, 5/5
Basel Khoury picture while playing the guitar and performing on stage at a concert 28
Basel Khoury picture while playing the guitar and performing on stage at a concert 28
By User: bignoseeddy
0 Votes, 0/5
Basel Khoury picture while playing the guitar and performing on stage at a concert 3
Basel Khoury picture while playing the guitar and performing on stage at a concert 3
By User: somethingbig
0 Votes, 0/5
Basel Khoury picture with egyptian singer Tamer Hosni 4
Basel Khoury picture with egyptian singer Tamer Hosni 4
By User: somethingbig
0 Votes, 0/5
Basel Khoury photo shoot 1
Basel Khoury photo shoot 1
By User: somethingbig
1 Votes, 5/5
Basel Khoury photo with Mohamad Qwaider from season five 9
Basel Khoury photo with Mohamad Qwaider from season five 9
By User: ohjoy
2 Votes, 4.5/5

There are 212 pictures of Basel Khoury, on 22 pages (you are on page 19), use the numbers at the top for more Basel Khoury pictures and photos, If you have more pics for this album, Please add them and mention Basel Khoury anywhere in the title of the picture or in its description so we can pick it up and put it in this album


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