Debbe Dunning in pictures and photos, There are 28 pictures in this album -> Debbe Dunning

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Actress Debbe Dunning pictures and photo gallery.
Birth name:Debbe Dunning
Born:July 11, 1966 in Burbank, California.
She is an American actress who is best known for playing the 'busty and beautiful tool assistant' Heidi Keppert, the Tool Time girl on the ABC Sitcom, Home Improvement.
In December 2004 Debbe Dunning was the spokesperson for a breast enlargement drink. In December 2006 Dunning began starring in Wicked Wicked Games
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By User: singlebraincelled
4 Votes, 4.5/5
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By User: jheart
8 Votes, 3.62/5
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By User: jheart
3 Votes, 4/5
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By User: jheart
2 Votes, 4/5
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By User: jheart
5 Votes, 4.6/5
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By User: jheart
9 Votes, 4.44/5
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By User: jheart
16 Votes, 4.56/5
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debbe dunning : 22
By User: jheart
12 Votes, 4.68/5

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