Dilek Serbest in pictures and photos, There are 34 pictures in this album

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Dilek Serbest; Turkish Actress and Fashion Model

Dilek was born on the Date of 17th of March 1981 in a town called Izmir in Turkey.

Height: 5' 8
Weight: 50 kg
Size: 36
Foot No: 37
Hair color: Blond
Eye color: Blue

In 2006 Dilek played the character Nazlı in the Turkish TV Drama Series Kaybolan yillar. She appears as a police woman who gets shot in her head by Esmer played by Saruhan Hunel and dies a couple of days later because of psychological and emotional complications after failing to deal with being a bald woman due to surgery that left a bullet in her head. She loses her love to her fiance Ali played by the actor Burak Hakki and commits suicide afterward on her wedding day.

تلعب الممثلة ديليك دور خطيبة علي في مسلسل و تمضي الايام. و يقتصر دورها على بضع الحلقات الاولى فقط حيث تقدم على الانتحار بعد اطلاق النار عليها اثناء محاولة فريق من الشرطة القاء القبض على عصابة المافيا. مما يترك خطيبة الشرطي علي مدمرة نفسيا بعد معرفتها بان عليها التعايش مع وجود رصاصة في رأسها.
Dilek Serbest 12
Dilek Serbest 12
By User: xTrinity
4 Votes, 1.76/5
Dilek Serbest front album cover
Dilek Serbest front album cover
By User: tareq
8 Votes, 3.14/5
Dilek Serbest c
Dilek Serbest c
By User: tareq
1 Votes, 1/5
Dilek Serbest f
Dilek Serbest f
By User: tareq
2 Votes, 1.5/5
Dilek Serbest e
Dilek Serbest e
By User: tareq
0 Votes, 0/5
Dilek Serbest b
Dilek Serbest b
By User: vkspice
1 Votes, 1/5
Dilek Serbest g
Dilek Serbest g
By User: vkspice
0 Votes, 0/5
Dilek Serbest h
Dilek Serbest h
By User: vkspice
1 Votes, 1/5
Dilek Serbest a
Dilek Serbest a
By User: vkspice
2 Votes, 3/5
Dilek Serbest d
Dilek Serbest d
By User: vkspice
4 Votes, 1.26/5

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