** On April 18th, 2009 : Eva Longoria Parker attends the Desperate Housewives event with Teri Hatcher and Marc Cherry, the event was held at the PaleyFest09 at ArcLight Cinemas in Hollywood, California.
** On October 11th, 2009 : Eva Longoria Parker arrives at the 13th Annual Los Angeles Latino Film Festival Opening Night Gala at the Graumans Chinese Theatre in Los Angeles.
** On October 12th, 2009 : Eva Longoria spotted leaving the gym in Los Angeles.
** On October 13th, 2009 : Eva Longoria hosting the In Performance at the White House Fiesta Latina event.
** On October 16th, 2009 : Eva Longoria Parker attends the Rally for kids with cancer scavenger hunt at the Eden Roc Hotel in Miami Beach.
** On October 20th, 2009 : Eva Longoria attends the ceremony celebrating LOreal 100th anniversary with a star on The Hollywood Walk Of Fame in Hollywood California.
** On September 8th, 2009 : Eva Longoria and her husband Tony Parker spotted at Gdansk in Poland during their trip to Poland.
** On September 10th, 2009 : Eva Longoria Parker attends the 9th Annual Padres Contra El Cancers Sueno de Esperanza Gala at the Hollywood Palladium in Los Angeles.
** On December 10th, 2009 : Eva Longoria meets with Kim Kardashian at Beso restaurant in Hollywood.
** On December 27th, 2009 : Eva Longoria attends the NY Nicks vs. San Antonio Spurs basketball gameon.
** On December 31st, 2009 : Eva Longoria and her husband Tony Parker spotted arriving at the Eve nightclub in Las Vegas.
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