Gwyneth Paltrow 2009 pictures and photo gallery Page: 1234
** On February 8th, 2009 : Gwyneth Paltrow attends the 51st Grammy Awards ceremony is held at the Staples Center on Sunday in Los Angeles. Then later at night she was spotted arriving at Katsuya Restaurant in Hollywood.
** On February 10th, 2009 : Gwyneth Paltrow attends the Womens Cancer Research Funds Unforgettable Evening
** On February 11th, 2009 : Gwyneth Paltrow attends the Cinema Society and Salvatore Ferragamo screening of Two Lovers at the Landmark Sunshine Cinema.
** On February 25th, 2009 : Gwyneth Paltrow attends the Bent On Learning Charity event at Stephen Weiss Studio in New York City.
** On March 21st, 2009 : Gwyneth Paltrow seen with her two children leaving Bar Pitti restaurant in the west village New York City.
** On April 1st, 2009 : Gwyneth Paltrow attends the Los Angeles premiere of Valentino The Last Emperor held at the LA County Museum of Art in Los Angeles California.
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