Iekeliene Stange in pictures and photos, There are 36 pictures in this album -> Iekeliene Stange

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Fashion model Iekeliene Stange picture(s)/pic(s), wallpaper and photo gallery.
Born: July 27, 1984 the Netherlands.
Height: 5 ft 9.5 in (1.77 m).
Hair color: Brown.
Eye color: Blue.
Measurements: 31-24-35 (US), 78-60-88 (EU).
Dress size: 4 (US).
Shoe size: 8 (US).

Iekeliene Stange biography (bio):
Iekeliene Stange is a Dutch fashion model.

Before becoming a model, Stange was a multimedia design student.

Stange is signed with Women Management in Milan and IMG Models in New York City. She has been featured in print advertisements for Marc by Marc Jacobs and Dolce & Gabbana. She has appeared in runway shows for Chloe, Chanel, Emmanuel Ungaro and Kenzo, as well as opening for Marc Jacob's spring show.

Stange's personal style is influenced by Tokyo street fashion.
Iekeliene Stange : 51
Iekeliene Stange : 51
By User: somethingbig
0 Votes, 0/5
Iekeliene Stange : 18
Iekeliene Stange : 18
By User: shiftingjoe
0 Votes, 0/5
Iekeliene Stange : 59
Iekeliene Stange : 59
By User: shiftingjoe
0 Votes, 0/5
Iekeliene Stange : 01
Iekeliene Stange : 01
By User: chemicalarcticdrink
0 Votes, 0/5
Iekeliene Stange : 43
Iekeliene Stange : 43
By User: chemicalarcticdrink
0 Votes, 0/5
Iekeliene Stange : 13
Iekeliene Stange : 13
By User: chemicalarcticdrink
0 Votes, 0/5

There are 36 pictures of Iekeliene Stange, on 4 pages (you are on page 4), use the numbers at the top for more Iekeliene Stange pictures and photos, If you have more pics for this album, Please add them and mention Iekeliene Stange anywhere in the title of the picture or in its description so we can pick it up and put it in this album


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