Oumaima Taleb in pictures and photos, There are 65 pictures in this album

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أميمة طالب، هي المرشحة التونسية لستار اكاديمي لهدا العام. شاركت في برنامج سوبر ستار بعام 2005 وقدمت مرتين لستار اكاديمي وهذا العام وصلت الى المرحلة النهائية من الاختبارات. الصورة أعلاه تدل على انها قدمت في الواقع للموسم السابع بس ما اتقبلت، و لها علاقة صداقة مع أسماء محلاوي و رحمة من العراق. أميمة بتغني الأغاني العربية القديمة، فضلا عن تلك المعاصرة. ويمكنك مشاهدة الفيديو لأدائها على خشبة المسرح في “سوبر ستار” قبل أربع سنوات تقريبا في تلفزيون المستقبل

Photo of Omayma Talib from Tunis with her collegues at super star on Future TV
Photo of Omayma Talib from Tunis with her collegues at super star on Future TV
By User: processor
0 Votes, 0/5
Photo of Omayma Talib from Tunis with star academy 7th season Amaa mahalawi and Rahma from Iraq
Photo of Omayma Talib from Tunis with star academy 7th season Amaa mahalawi and Rahma from Iraq
By User: processor
1 Votes, 4/5
profile picture as one of star academy season8 students 12
profile picture as one of star academy season8 students 12
By User: ohjoy
0 Votes, 0/5
star academy season8 second day picture of Uomaima trying to advise lian for her problems with mohammad alqaq
star academy season8 second day picture of Uomaima trying to advise lian for her problems with mohammad alqaq
By User: bignoseeddy
0 Votes, 0/5
the first prime of star academy season 8 photo of Omaima Taleb from Tunis
the first prime of star academy season 8 photo of Omaima Taleb from Tunis
By User: anorexicpride
3 Votes, 3.66/5
the first prime of star academy season 8 photo of Omaima Taleb and Warda Al Jazaereyya
the first prime of star academy season 8 photo of Omaima Taleb and Warda Al Jazaereyya
By User: panicattack
1 Votes, 5/5
Omaima from Tunis photo before joining star academy
Omaima from Tunis photo before joining star academy
By User: shiftingjoe
1 Votes, 5/5
Omaima from Tunis and Lamia Jamal at the casting of star academy
Omaima from Tunis and Lamia Jamal at the casting of star academy
By User: shiftingjoe
1 Votes, 5/5
Omaima from Tunis picture before joining star academy
Omaima from Tunis picture before joining star academy
By User: shiftingjoe
1 Votes, 4/5
Omaima from Tunis picture before staracademy
Omaima from Tunis picture before staracademy
By User: shiftingjoe
2 Votes, 4.5/5

There are 65 pictures of Oumaima Taleb, on 7 pages (you are on page 5), use the numbers at the top for more Oumaima Taleb pictures and photos, If you have more pics for this album, Please add them and mention Oumaima Taleb anywhere in the title of the picture or in its description so we can pick it up and put it in this album


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