RIHANNA in pictures and photos, There are 229 pictures in this album

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Rihanna All Years Photo Gallery

In this section, you will find the most recent pictures of Rihanna, if however, you'd like to check Rihanna's photo gallery during the year 2009, you can navigate to the "All years Gallery" where you can also find pictures of here in the years 2008, 2007, and many more.

* On January 4th, 2010: Rihanna spotted with Matt Kemp leaving the El Squid Roe Nightclub in Mexico.

* On January 6th, 2010: Rihanna spotted with Matt Kemp on a luxury yacht in Cabo San Lucas in Mexico.

* On January 10th, 2010: Rihanna arrives at the Italian Restaurant Giorgio Baldi in Los Angeles. Later, Rihanna attends Tyrese Gibson's Birthday Party which was held at the My House Nightclub in Los Angeles.

* On January 16th, 2010: Rihanna seen with Matt Kemp at the Staples Center in Los Angeles watching an NBA game.

* On January 18th, 2010: Rihanna spotted leaving West Hollywood Studio.

* On January 21st, 2010: Rihanna attends a television Swedish talk show.

* In January, 2010: Rihanna takes part in a Photo shoot for Flaunt Magazine.

* On January 22nd, 2010: Rihanna spotted arriving at Heathrow Airport in London. Later, Rihanna performs at the Hope For Haiti Now telethon held in London.

* On January 23rd, 2010: Rihanna attends the NRJ Music Awards 2010 at Palais des Festivals in Cannes France.

* On January 30th, 2010: Rihanna attends the 52nd Annual GRAMMY Awards Salute To Icons Honoring Doug Morris held at The Beverly Hilton Hotel in Beverly Hills.

* In February, 2010: Rihanna appears in the W magazine issue of this month.

* On February 4th, 2010: Rihanna spotted rehearsing for the the Pepsi Super Bowl Fan Jam concert in South Beach. Later Rihanna was seen as she performed live onstage at the Pepsi Fan Jam in Miami.

* On February 5th, 2010: Rihanna meets with Jennifer Lopez to have a lunch at the Fontainebleau Hotel. Later Rihanna hosts the Pepsi Refresh Project Kickoff Party at LIV Nightclub at the same hotel in Miami Beach.

* On February 11th, 2010: Rihanna attends a fan meeting event at the Coexmall in Seoul, South Korea to promote the Rated R album. Later, she arrived for a press conference held at the Intercontinental hotel in Seoul, South Korea.

* On February 121th, 2010: Rihanna spotted as she arrives at the airport in Sydney.

* On February 14th, 2010: Rihanna photo shoot while promoting her new album Rated R at the Intercontinental Hotel in Sydney, Australia.

* On March 4th, 2010: Rihanna seen while signing autographs for fans at the Alexa shopping mall in Berlin Germany.

* On March 27th, 2010: Rihanna arrives at Nickelodeons 23rd Annual Kids Choice Awards held at UCLA's Pauley Pavilion in Los Angeles, California.

* In April, 2010: Rihanna attends a photo shoot held at the New York City Lux Studio for Allure Magazine.

* On April 7th, 2010: Rihanna performs on the results show of American Idol in Los Angeles.

* On April 8th, 2010: Rihanna seen as she walks into a medical building in Beverly Hills.

* On April 13th, 2010: Rihanna spotted cheering her boyfriend at a game at Dodgers statium in Los Angeles.
Rihanna spotted with Matt Kemp on January 4th 2010 leaving the El Squid Roe Nightclub in Mexico 6
Rihanna spotted with Matt Kemp on January 4th 2010 leaving the El Squid Roe Nightclub in Mexico 6
By User: colonelrusty
0 Votes, 0/5
Rihanna spotted on January 18th 2010 leaving West Hollywood Studio 2
Rihanna spotted on January 18th 2010 leaving West Hollywood Studio 2
By User: fatespuppet
0 Votes, 0/5
Rihanna spotted on January 18th 2010 leaving West Hollywood Studio 1
Rihanna spotted on January 18th 2010 leaving West Hollywood Studio 1
By User: fatespuppet
0 Votes, 0/5
Rihanna attends the NRJ Music Awards 2010 at Palais des Festivals on January 23rd 2010 in Cannes France 9
Rihanna attends the NRJ Music Awards 2010 at Palais des Festivals on January 23rd 2010 in Cannes France 9
By User: panicattack
0 Votes, 0/5
Rihanna attends the NRJ Music Awards 2010 at Palais des Festivals on January 23rd 2010 in Cannes France 3
Rihanna attends the NRJ Music Awards 2010 at Palais des Festivals on January 23rd 2010 in Cannes France 3
By User: panicattack
0 Votes, 0/5
Rihanna attends the NRJ Music Awards 2010 at Palais des Festivals on January 23rd 2010 in Cannes France 8
Rihanna attends the NRJ Music Awards 2010 at Palais des Festivals on January 23rd 2010 in Cannes France 8
By User: panicattack
0 Votes, 0/5
Rihanna attends the NRJ Music Awards 2010 at Palais des Festivals on January 23rd 2010 in Cannes France 1
Rihanna attends the NRJ Music Awards 2010 at Palais des Festivals on January 23rd 2010 in Cannes France 1
By User: panicattack
0 Votes, 0/5
Rihanna attends the NRJ Music Awards 2010 at Palais des Festivals on January 23rd 2010 in Cannes France 6
Rihanna attends the NRJ Music Awards 2010 at Palais des Festivals on January 23rd 2010 in Cannes France 6
By User: jheart
0 Votes, 0/5
Rihanna attends the NRJ Music Awards 2010 at Palais des Festivals on January 23rd 2010 in Cannes France 5
Rihanna attends the NRJ Music Awards 2010 at Palais des Festivals on January 23rd 2010 in Cannes France 5
By User: jheart
0 Votes, 0/5
Rihanna attends the NRJ Music Awards 2010 at Palais des Festivals on January 23rd 2010 in Cannes France 2
Rihanna attends the NRJ Music Awards 2010 at Palais des Festivals on January 23rd 2010 in Cannes France 2
By User: jheart
0 Votes, 0/5

There are 229 pictures of RIHANNA, on 23 pages (you are on page 18), use the numbers at the top for more RIHANNA pictures and photos, If you have more pics for this album, Please add them and mention RIHANNA anywhere in the title of the picture or in its description so we can pick it up and put it in this album


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