Saaya Irie in pictures and photos, There are 40 pictures in this album -> Saaya Irie

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Actress Saaya Irie Pictures and Photo galleries
Birth Name: Saaya Irie.
Birth Date: November 15, 1993 in Kitakyushu, Fukuoka, Japan.
Height: 150 centimeters (59 in).

Saaya Irie is a Japanese actress, junior idol and singer. Her stage name is simply her given name, Saaya.

Saaya Irie has recently been appearing in numerous films, radio, and television programs including the recent live action TV drama adaptation of the Jigoku Shoujo series. Saaya Irie has also done voice work, appearing in the recent anime OVA Kyo no Gononi as Chika Koizu. Saaya Irie was formerly a member of Japanese musical group Sweet Kiss before it disbanded to be replaced by the group Chase.
Saaya Irie : 78258 A6081821-8 122 972lo
Saaya Irie : 78258 A6081821-8 122 972lo
By User: fatespuppet
0 Votes, 0/5
Saaya Irie : 78396 A6081821-36 122 337lo
Saaya Irie : 78396 A6081821-36 122 337lo
By User: fatespuppet
1 Votes, 5/5
Saaya Irie : 78389 A6081821-33 122 912lo
Saaya Irie : 78389 A6081821-33 122 912lo
By User: fatespuppet
0 Votes, 0/5
Saaya Irie : 78259 A6081821-14 122 1096lo
Saaya Irie : 78259 A6081821-14 122 1096lo
By User: fatespuppet
2 Votes, 5/5
Saaya Irie : 78401 A6081821-37 122 63lo
Saaya Irie : 78401 A6081821-37 122 63lo
By User: fatespuppet
1 Votes, 5/5
Saaya Irie : 78258 A6081821-13 122 102lo
Saaya Irie : 78258 A6081821-13 122 102lo
By User: fatespuppet
3 Votes, 5/5
Saaya Irie : 78226 A6081821-1 122 247lo
Saaya Irie : 78226 A6081821-1 122 247lo
By User: fatespuppet
0 Votes, 0/5
Saaya Irie : 78269 A6081821-16 122 716lo
Saaya Irie : 78269 A6081821-16 122 716lo
By User: singlebraincelled
8 Votes, 4.74/5
Saaya Irie : 78394 A6081821-35 122 1088lo
Saaya Irie : 78394 A6081821-35 122 1088lo
By User: singlebraincelled
1 Votes, 5/5
Saaya Irie : 78236 A6081821-3 122 27lo
Saaya Irie : 78236 A6081821-3 122 27lo
By User: singlebraincelled
1 Votes, 3/5

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