Santana (band) in pictures and photos, There are 70 pictures in this album -> Santana (band)

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Music Santana band picture (pic) and photo gallery, albums covers pictures.

Santana (originally the Santana Blues Band) is a rather quickly changing formation of musicians who accompany Carlos Santana since the late '60s. Just like Santana himself, the band is known as the one which made Latin rock famous in the rest of the world.

The band was formed 1966 in San Francisco, the first members were Tom Frazier (guitar), Mike Carabello (percussion), Rod Harper (drums), Gus Rodriguez (bass) and Gregg Rolie (keyboard, vocal). In the following years and decades the members of the group changed very often, and from 1971 to 1972 there was a short cooperation break between the group and Santana.

Current lineup:
* Carlos Santana - Guitar & Vocals.
* Chester Thompson - Keyboards.
* Benny Rietveld - Bass Guitar.
* Dennis Chambers - Drums.
* Andy Vargas - Vocals.
* Karl Perazzo - Timbales, percussion.
* Raul Rekow - Congas, percussion.
* Bill Ortiz - Trumpet.
Santana : Carlos-Santana-jr05
Santana : Carlos-Santana-jr05
By User: anorexicpride
0 Votes, 0/5
Santana : Carlos-Santana-jr07
Santana : Carlos-Santana-jr07
By User: anorexicpride
0 Votes, 0/5
Santana : Carlos-Santana-sb08
Santana : Carlos-Santana-sb08
By User: bignoseeddy
0 Votes, 0/5
Santana : Santana-6
Santana : Santana-6
By User: bignoseeddy
0 Votes, 0/5
Santana : Carlos-Santana-sb05
Santana : Carlos-Santana-sb05
By User: bignoseeddy
0 Votes, 0/5
Santana : Carlos-Santana-jr06
Santana : Carlos-Santana-jr06
By User: bignoseeddy
0 Votes, 0/5
Santana : Carlos-Santana-sb07
Santana : Carlos-Santana-sb07
By User: vkspice
0 Votes, 0/5
Santana : Santana-19
Santana : Santana-19
By User: ohjoy
0 Votes, 0/5
Santana : Santana-4
Santana : Santana-4
By User: ohjoy
0 Votes, 0/5
Santana : Santana-2
Santana : Santana-2
By User: ohjoy
0 Votes, 0/5

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