Saruhan Hunel in pictures and photos, There are 119 pictures in this album -> Turkish TV series -> Kaybolan yillar -> Saruhan Hunel

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Saruhan Hünel; Turkish Actor
" Esmer " "لعب دور "أسمر

Saruhan was born on the 7th of January 1970, in Istanbul, Turkey. He is currently married to Turkish producer and director Sergin Akyaz.

Saruhan's mother is an Arab originally from Baghdad, Iraq, while his father is Turkish. His sister is the famous Turkish singer Aslı Hünel. He started his career as an actor in the year 1992 and has been famous enough since his major role as Esmer in the Drama Kaybolan Yıllar. His latest role was as Dogu in Serçe last year in 2008.

ولد الممثل التركي سرحان هونل في السابع من يناير عام 1970 لأب تركي و أم عربية من مواليد بغداد العراق. سروهان زوج المخرجة و المنتجة سيرجين اكياز "الصورة في الاعلى" و هي مخرجة العمل التركي وتمضي الايام الذي قام بة سرحان بدور بطولة لشخصية أسمر.
سرحان او ساروهان كما يلفظ اسمه يأتي و كما يبدو من عائلة فنية, فشقيقتة هي المغنية التركية آسلي هونل.
Saruhan Hunel
Saruhan Hunel
By User: xTrinity
30 Votes, 4.12/5
Saruhan Hunel as Esmer in the turkish drama Kaybolan yillar
Saruhan Hunel as Esmer in the turkish drama Kaybolan yillar
By User: xTrinity
13 Votes, 4.54/5
Saruhan Hunel as Ali in the turkish drama Kaybolan yillar
Saruhan Hunel as Ali in the turkish drama Kaybolan yillar
By User: xTrinity
7 Votes, 4.28/5
Saruhan Hunel as Esmer, Burak Hakki as Ali, and Yesim Buber as Ezel
Saruhan Hunel as Esmer, Burak Hakki as Ali, and Yesim Buber as Ezel
By User: xTrinity
49 Votes, 4.66/5
Saruhan Hunel as Esmer and Yesim Buber as Ezel in the turkish Drama Kaybolan yillar
Saruhan Hunel as Esmer and Yesim Buber as Ezel in the turkish Drama Kaybolan yillar
By User: androidplacebo
34 Votes, 4.7/5
Saruhan Hunel with the young actress Ayca Turan who played little Ezel in Kaybolan yillar
Saruhan Hunel with the young actress Ayca Turan who played little Ezel in Kaybolan yillar
By User: androidplacebo
66 Votes, 4.68/5
Saruhan Hunel holding a baby boy
Saruhan Hunel holding a baby boy
By User: androidplacebo
65 Votes, 4.7/5
Saruhan Hunel
Saruhan Hunel
By User: androidplacebo
15 Votes, 4.12/5
Saruhan Hunel
Saruhan Hunel
By User: androidplacebo
31 Votes, 3.8/5
Saruhan Hunel and Yesim Buber in the turkish drama Kaybolan yillar
Saruhan Hunel and Yesim Buber in the turkish drama Kaybolan yillar
By User: androidplacebo
31 Votes, 4.66/5

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