VANESSA WILLIAMS in pictures and photos, There are 193 pictures in this album -> VANESSA WILLIAMS

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Actress and producer Vanessa Williams pictures (pic) and photo gallery.
Birth name: Vanessa A. Williams.
Born: May 12, 1963 in Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn, New York City.
-André, they have one child.

Vanessa Williams is an American actress who has appeared in several television series such as Melrose Place and the Showtime cable television show Soul Food: The Series. Williams also is a singer and has an album planned.
In 1996 she was featured in the television series Murder One and is a former Miss Black America.
(She is often confused with singer/actress Vanessa Lynn Williams who starred in Eraser and the original film version of Soul Food and was the first black Miss America.)
Actress vanessa williams : 14
Actress vanessa williams : 14
By User: vkspice
4 Votes, 4.5/5
Actress vanessa williams : vanessa01
Actress vanessa williams : vanessa01
By User: sotrah
6 Votes, 3.84/5
Actress vanessa williams : vanessa08
Actress vanessa williams : vanessa08
By User: jheart
1 Votes, 5/5
Actress vanessa williams : vanessa09
Actress vanessa williams : vanessa09
By User: jheart
1 Votes, 3/5
Actress vanessa williams : vanessa11
Actress vanessa williams : vanessa11
By User: jheart
1 Votes, 5/5
Actress vanessa williams : vanessa12
Actress vanessa williams : vanessa12
By User: fatespuppet
5 Votes, 3/5
Actress vanessa williams : vanessa13
Actress vanessa williams : vanessa13
By User: fatespuppet
0 Votes, 0/5
Actress vanessa williams : vanessa14
Actress vanessa williams : vanessa14
By User: fatespuppet
1 Votes, 5/5
Vanessa Williams : Vanessa 20Williams-SGG-024351
Vanessa Williams : Vanessa 20Williams-SGG-024351
By User: fatespuppet
0 Votes, 0/5
Vanessa Williams : Vanessa 20Williams-SPX-003108
Vanessa Williams : Vanessa 20Williams-SPX-003108
By User: fatespuppet
2 Votes, 3/5

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