Nine Inch Nails pretty hate machine album cover - picture uploaded by fatespuppet to people -> fatespuppet -> Nine Inch Nails pretty hate machine album cover

Nine Inch Nails pretty hate machine album cover
 Pretty Hate Machine (also known as Halo 2) is an album by Nine Inch Nails released in 1989. Pretty Hate Machine is the second official Nine Inch Nails release and the band\'s first major release.
Track listing:
1. \"Head Like a Hole\" – 4:59
2. \"Terrible Lie\" – 4:38
3. \"Down in It\" – 3:46
4. \"Sanctified\" – 5:48
5. \"Something I Can Never Have\" – 5:54
6. \"Kinda I Want To\" – 4:33
7. \"Sin\" – 4:06
8. \"That\'s What I Get\" – 4:30
9. \"The Only Time\" – 4:47
10. \"Ringfinger\" – 5:40
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Nine Inch Nails pretty hate machine album cover
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This picture is part of the albums:
Nine Inch Nails
Nine Inch Nails : Nine Inch Nails band all in blackNine Inch Nails : Black and white photo for Nine Inch NailsNine Inch Nails pretty hate machine album coverNine Inch Nails broken album coverNine Inch Nails The downward spiral album cover
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