Savage Garden Truly madly deeply album cover - picture uploaded by xTrinity to people -> xTrinity -> Savage Garden Truly madly deeply album cover

Savage Garden Truly madly deeply album cover
 Truly Madly Deeply - Ultra Rare Tracks is a collection of b-side tracks by the Australian pop duo Savage Garden. It was released in 1998, in Japan.
Track listing:
1. \"All Around Me\"
2. \"Truly Madly Deeply (album version)\"
3. \"Fire Inside The Man\"
4. \"I\'ll Bet He Was Cool\"
5. \"I Want You (xeno mania punxy mix)\"
6. \"Love Can Move You\"
7. \"This Side Of Me\"
8. \"Memories Are Designed To Fade\"
9. \"To The Moon And Back(hanis num radio edit)\"
10. \"Santa Monica (bittersweet mix)\"
11. \"Break Me Shake Me (acoustic live)\"
12. \"I Want You (acoustic live)\"
13. \"Truly Madly Deeply (dub mix)\"
14. \"Truly Madly Deeply (australian mix)\"
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This picture is part of the albums:
Savage Garden
Savage Garden : Savage Garden-3Savage garden-affirmation album coverSavage Garden Truly madly deeply album coverSavage Garden The Future Of Earthly Delites album coverSavage Garden Truly madly completely album cover
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