Terror Squad album cover - picture uploaded by sweet51 to people

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Terror Squad album cover
 Terror Squad is a 1999 debut album by hip-hop group Terror Squad. The album had the hit song \"What\'cha Gon\' Do?\" featured on it.

Track listing:
1. \"In For Life\"
2. \"Pass The Glock\"
3. \"\'99 Live\"
4. \"What\'cha Gon\' Do?\"
5. \"Triple Threat\"
6. \"War\"
7. \"Bring It On\"
8. \"As The World Turns\"
9. \"Gimme Dat\"
10. \"Feelin\' This\"
11. \"All Around The World\"
12. \"Tell Me What U Want\"
13. \"Rudeboy Salute\"
14. \"My Kinda Girls\"
15. \"Payin\' Dues\"
16. \"www.thatsmyshit.com\"
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This picture is part of the albums:
Terror Squad
Terror Squad : TerrorSquadSRC04Terror Squad : TerrorSquadSRC05Terror Squad : TerrorSquadSRC10Terror Squad True Story album coverTerror Squad album cover
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