Terror Squad True Story album cover - picture uploaded by sweet51 to people

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Terror Squad True Story album cover
 True Story is a 2004 album by hip-hop group Terror Squad. The album wasn\'t much of a hit, apart from the hit single titled \"Lean Back\", which hit the Billboard Hot 100 and was #24 in the UK charts. It also has an official remix featuring Eminem, Lil Jon and Ma$e.

Little to no controversy arose when the late rappers Big L and Big Pun appeared together on a song with Terror Squad titled \"Bring \'Em Back\". Even though Big Pun was originally a member of the group, he apparently had no left over verses, but he still managed to appear on this album.
Track listing:
1.\"Nothing\'s Gonna Stop Me\"
2.\"Yeah Yeah Yeah\"
3.\"Hum Drum\"
4.\"Lean Back\"
5.\"Take Me Home\"
6.\"Streets Of NY\"
7.\"Bring\'em Back\"
8.\"Yes Dem To Def\"
9.\"Pass Away\"
10.Let Them Things Go
11.Thunder In The Air
12.Terror Era
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Terror Squad
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