Turbonegro-Hot Cars and Spent Contraceptives 2000 album cover - picture uploaded by androidplacebo to people

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Turbonegro-Hot Cars and Spent Contraceptives 2000 album cover
 Hot Cars and Spent Contraceptives is the first album by the Norwegian band Turbonegro, released in March, 1992 on Big Ball Records. Only 1,000 copies were released originally in Norway.
Track listing:

1. "Librium Love" – 5:17
2. "Armed and Fairly Well Equipped" (Bonus) – 4:04
3. "Suburban Anti-Christ" (Bonus) – 1:59
4. "Punk Pals" – 2:32
5. "Kiss the Knife (aka "Hand Of Love")" – 1:58
6. "Vaya Con Satan" – 4:02
7. "I'm In Love With The Destructive Girls" – 2:12
8. "Hot Cars" – 3:34
9. "Clenched Teeth" – 2:21
10. "Manimal" (Bonus) – 4:15
11. "Dark Secret Girl" (Bonus) – 2:00
12. "New Wave Song" – 2:40
13. "Nadsat Comes Easy" – 4:31
14. "Zonked Out (On Hashish)" – 2:03
15. "Prima Moffe" – 10:32
16. "A Career In Indierock" (Bonus) – 24:36
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5/5 (2 Votes)
This picture is part of the albums:
Turbonegro-Prince Of The Rodeo single coverTurbonegro-Love It To Death punk album coverTurbonegro-Hot Cars and Spent Contraceptives 2000 album coverTurbonegro Never Is Forever album coverTurbonegro-City Of Satan single cover
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