Billy Preston Music Is My Life album cover - picture uploaded by shiftingjoe to people -> shiftingjoe -> Billy Preston Music Is My Life album cover

Billy Preston Music Is My Life album cover
 Music Is My Life is an album by Billy Preston released in 1972. The album features Beatles cover, with R&B arrangements. Basically, it includes Gospel tunes , except the #1 single "Will It Go 'Round in Circles".

Track listing:

All songs by Billy Preston, except where noted.

1. "We're Gonna Make It" – 3:13
2. "One Time Or Another" (Billy Preston-Robert Sam) – 2:49
3. "Blackbird" (John Lennon-Paul McCartney) – 2:48
4. "I Wonder Why" (Billy Preston-George Johnson) – 5:43
5. "Will It Go 'Round In Circles" (Billy Preston-Bruce Fisher) – 4:28
6. "Ain't That Nothin'" (Billy Preston-Joe Greene-Robert Sam) – 3:47
7. "God Loves You" (Billy Preston-John Schuler) – 2:50
8. "Make The Devil Mad" (Turn On To Jesus) – 5:22
9. "Nigger Charlie" (Billy Preston-Joe Greene) – 6:31
10. "Heart Full Of Sorrow" (Billy Preston-George Johnson) – 3:35
11. "Music Is My Life" – 3:58
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This picture is part of the albums:
Billy Preston
Billy Preston The way i am album coverBilly Preston On the air album coverBilly Preston Music Is My Life album coverBilly Preston It s My Pleasure album coverBilly Preston That s The Way God Planned It album cover
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