David Lee Roth A Little Ain t Enough album cover - picture uploaded by sweet51 to people

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David Lee Roth A Little Ain t Enough album cover
 A Little Ain't Enough was the third full-length album by David Lee Roth (of Van Halen), released in 1991. It was certified Gold on April 11, 1991. The album featured the lead guitar work of Jason Becker, a talented guitarist who was diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS, aka Lou Gehrig's Disease) just a week after joining the band. He managed to finish recording the album, but was unable to tour in support of the album, as his condition left him with little strength in his hands.
Track listing:

1. "A Lil' Ain't Enough" (Nevil, David Lee Roth) – 4:41
2. "Shoot It" (Bissonette, Nevil, Roth, Brett Tuggle) – 4:13
3. "Lady Luck" (Goldy, Roth) – 4:41
4. "Hammerhead Shark" (Lowen, Roth, Sturges) – 3:34
5. "Tell the Truth" (Hunter, Roth, Tuggle) – 5:18
6. "Baby's on Fire" (Hunter, Roth, Tuggle) – 3:22
7. "40 Below" (Hunter, Roth, Tuggle) – 4:54
8. "Sensible Shoes" (Morgan, Roth, Sturges) – 5:09
9. "Last Call" (Bissonette, Bissonette, Ritchotte, Roth, Tuggle) – 3:22
10. "The Dogtown Shuffle" (Huner, Roth, Tuggle) – 4:58
11. "It's Showtime!" (Becker, Roth) – 3:46
12. "Drop in the Bucket" (Becker, Roth) – 5:07
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3/5 (2 Votes)
This picture is part of the albums:
David Lee Roth
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