Oingo Boingo Dead Mans Party album cover - picture uploaded by xTrinity to people

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Oingo Boingo Dead Mans Party album cover
 Dead Man's Party is the fourth album by Oingo Boingo, released in 1985. It is considered by some to be their breakthrough, due to the inclusion of songs from this album in two movies. The title track was used in the film Back to School (wherein Boingo performs the song at a party), and includes the song "Weird Science" which was written for the John Hughes film of the same name.

Both "Weird Science" and "Stay" were hits in Australia, charting at #39 and #30 respectively.

Track listing:

1. "Just Another Day"
2. "Dead Man's Party"
3. "Heard Somebody Cry"
4. "No One Lives Forever"
5. "Stay"
6. "Fool's Paradise"
7. "Help Me"
8. "Same Man I Was Before"
9. "Weird Science"
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Oingo Boingo Dead Mans Party album cover
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This picture is part of the albums:
Oingo Boingo
Oingo Boingo-Only a Lad album coverOingo Boingo Farewell concert album coverOingo Boingo Dead Mans Party album coverOingo Boingo Best oboingo album coverOingo Boingo : Oingo Boingo-1
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