Oingo Boingo BOI-NGO album cover - picture uploaded by zazen to people

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Oingo Boingo BOI-NGO album cover
 BOI-NGO is an album by Oingo Boingo from 1987. Its original proposed title was "More Nervous Energy". This album was also released in a limited edition box set of seven inch vinyl records which included the additional studio track "Mama." Radio interviews from the period before the album's release indicate that the song "Cinderella Undercover" was recorded but not included on the final version of the album. Both songs were re-recorded and issued the following year on the album "Boingo Alive."

Track listing:

1. "Home Again"
2. "Where Do All My Friends Go"
3. "Elevator Man"
4. "New Generation"
5. "We Close Our Eyes"
6. "Not My Slave"
7. "My Life"
8. "Outrageous"
9. "Pain"
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Oingo Boingo BOI-NGO album cover
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This picture is part of the albums:
Oingo Boingo
Oingo Boingo Best oboingo album coverOingo Boingo : Oingo Boingo-1Oingo Boingo BOI-NGO album coverOingo Boingo : Oingo Boingo-2Oingo Boingo : Oingo Boingo-3
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