Shihad - Pacifier album cover - picture uploaded by colonelrusty to people -> colonelrusty -> Shihad - Pacifier album cover

Shihad - Pacifier album cover
 Pacifier is the fifth full length album released by New Zealand band, Shihad. At the time of the release they were performing under the name Pacifier due to perceived resemblance of Shihad to jihad. Released in 2002, tracks such as "Run" and "Bullitproof" went on to become hit singles. However, it still failed to break the band into the United States. This album features Scott Weiland (Stone Temple Pilots and Velvet Revolver) and DJ Lethal (Limp Bizkit and House of Pain) on the track "Coming Down". One version of this album included the "Weapons of Mass Destruction" bonus disc and yet another version contained a bonus disc featuring live acoustic tracks from the "Helen Young Sessions".
Track listing:

1. "Comfort Me"
2. "Semi-Normal"
3. "Run"
4. "Everything"
5. "Stranger"
6. "Home"
7. "Nothing"
8. "Bullitproof" (sic)
9. "Walls"
10. "Just a Shadow"
11. "Trademark"
12. "Coming Down"

Bonus Discs

Weapons of Mass Destruction

1. "Toxic Shock"
2. "Early Grave"
3. "Analizer"
4. "The Wrong Idea"
5. "Really Glad"

Helen Young Sessions

1. "Run"
2. "Weight of the World"
3. "Coming Down"
4. "Brightest Star"
5. "Walls"
6. "Home"
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Shihad (Pacifier)
Pacifier : Pacifier-band-01Pacifier : Pacifier-band-02Shihad - The general electric album coverShihad - Pacifier album coverShihad - Pacifier Live album cover
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