Papa Roach Getting away with murder album cover - picture uploaded by xTrinity to people -> xTrinity -> Papa Roach Getting away with murder album cover

Papa Roach Getting away with murder album cover
 Getting Away with Murder is the third major-label album by Californian rock group Papa Roach. It was released on August 31, 2004, and has been certified platinum in the United States. In a bid to avoid the nu metal trend and because Jacoby Shaddix was fed up with rapping and wanted to be a rock artist (his childhood dream), Papa Roach ditched their once-prominent nu metal and rapcore influences, focusing on producing a straight-ahead post-hardcore/pop-punk/alternative rock album. Despite some of the fans not embracing the new style, sales as of July 2006, are 1.14 million units sold. This was also their first album on Geffen Records, after their previous label Dreamworks Records were sold off to Geffen. In January 2007 album was certified gold (50 000 units) in Canada. It peaked #17 on Billboard 200.

Track listing:

1. "Blood (Empty Promises)" – 2:55
2. "Not Listening" – 3:09
3. "Stop Looking Start Seeing" – 3:07
4. "Take Me" – 3:26
5. "Getting Away with Murder" – 3:12
6. "Be Free" – 3:17)
7. "Done With You" – 2:52
8. "Scars" – 3:28
9. "Sometimes" – 3:07
10. "Blanket of Fear" – 3:21
11. "Tyranny of Normality" – 2:40
12. "Do or Die" – 3:25
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Papa Roach Getting away with murder album cover
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Papa Roach
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