Pedro The Lion - the only reason i feel secure album cover - picture uploaded by panicattack to people -> panicattack -> Pedro The Lion - the only reason i feel secure album cover

Pedro The Lion - the only reason i feel secure album cover
 The Only Reason I Feel Secure is the second EP by Pedro the Lion. It was released on 17 May 1999 on Made in Mexico Records, and later reissued with three extra tracks on 16 October 2001 on Jade Tree Records.

Tracks 6-8, songs that originally constituted Pedro the Lion's first single, appear only on the Jade Tree reissue. The EP's title was originally intended to be The Only Reason I Feel Secure Is That I Am Validated By My Peers.

Track listing:

1. "Criticism as Inspiration" – 6:20
2. "I am Always the One Who Calls" – 3:41
3. "Invention" – 4:44
4. "Letter From a Concerned Follower" – 4:11
5. "Be Thou My Vision" – 4:22
6. "Big Trucks" (single version) – 2:58
7. "Diamond Ring" – 3:22
8. "Invention" (single version) – 5:08
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This picture is part of the albums:
Pedro The Lion
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