Pet Shop Boys Behaviour Further Listening album cover - picture uploaded by panicattack to people -> panicattack -> Pet Shop Boys Behaviour Further Listening album cover

Pet Shop Boys Behaviour Further Listening album cover
 Behaviour is the fifth album, the fourth of entirely new music, by the UK electronic music group Pet Shop Boys. It was first released in 1990. It was also released in Japan with an additional CD3.
Track listing:

Further Listening 1990-1991

1. "It must be obvious"
2. "So hard [Extended dance mix]"
3. "Miserablism"
4. "Being boring [Extended mix]"
5. "Bet she's not your girlfriend"
6. "We all feel better in the dark [Extended mix]"
7. "Where the streets have no name (I can't take my eyes off you) [Extended mix]"
8. "Jealousy" [Extended version]"
9. "Generic jingle"
10. "DJ culture [Extended mix]"
11. "Was it worth it? [Twelve-inch mix]"
12. "Music for boys [Ambient mix]"
13. "DJ culture [Seven-inch mix]"
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This picture is part of the albums:
Pet Shop Boys
Pet Shop Boys Originals album coverPet Shop Boys Essential album coverPet Shop Boys Behaviour Further Listening album coverPet Shop Boys Alternative album coverPet Shop Boys : p10054y935d
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