Pet Shop Boys Please album cover - picture uploaded by panicattack to people -> panicattack -> Pet Shop Boys Please album cover

Pet Shop Boys Please album cover
 Please is the first album by the UK electronic music group Pet Shop Boys, released in 1986. According to the duo, the album's title was chosen so that people had to go into a record shop and say "Can I have the Pet Shop Boys album, Please?".

Hits from Please include "West End Girls", "Opportunities (Let's make lots of money)", and "Love comes quickly". "West End Girls" was a hit in both the UK and the United States.
Track listing:

1. "Two divided by zero"
2. "West End girls"
3. "Opportunities (Let's make lots of money)"
4. "Love comes quickly"
5. "Suburbia"
6. "Opportunities (reprise)"
7. "Tonight is forever"
8. "Violence"
9. "I want a lover"
10. "Later tonight"
11. "Why don't we live together?"
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This picture is part of the albums:
Pet Shop Boys
Pet Shop Boys Actually album coverPet Shop Boys Please Futhure Listening album coverPet Shop Boys Please album coverPet Shop Boys Battleship Potemkin album coverPet Shop Boys Introspective album cover
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