Pet Shop Boys Alternative album cover - picture uploaded by panicattack to people -> panicattack -> Pet Shop Boys Alternative album cover

Pet Shop Boys Alternative album cover
 Alternative is the ninth album by UK electronic music duo Pet Shop Boys. It was first released in 1995.

Track listing:

Disc one

1. "In the night"
2. "A man could get arrested" (Alternative version)
3. "That's my impression" (Disco mix)
4. "Was that what it was?"
5. "Paninaro"
6. "Jack the lad"
7. "You know where you went wrong"
8. "A new life"
9. "I want a dog"
10. "Do I have to?"
11. "I get excited (You get excited too)"
12. "Don Juan"
13. "The sound of the atom splitting"
14. "One of the crowd"
15. "Your funny uncle"

Disc two

1. "It must be obvious"
2. "We all feel better in the dark"
3. "Bet she's not your girlfriend"
4. "Losing my mind"
5. "Music for boys"
6. "Miserablism"
7. "Hey, headmaster"
8. "What keeps mankind alive?"
9. "Shameless"
10. "Too many people"
11. "Violence" (Hacienda version)
12. "Decadence"
13. "If love were all"
14. "Euroboy"
15. "Some speculation"
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This picture is part of the albums:
Pet Shop Boys
Pet Shop Boys Essential album coverPet Shop Boys Behaviour Further Listening album coverPet Shop Boys Alternative album coverPet Shop Boys : p10054y935dPet Shop Boys : p09883g0j1k
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