Riders in the Sky - Live Riders in the Sky album cover - picture uploaded by fatespuppet to people

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Riders in the Sky - Live Riders in the Sky album cover
 Riders in the Sky, Live is a live recording released by the Western band Riders in the Sky on January 1, 1984. It is available as a single CD. It was recorded at the Birchmere in Alexandria, VA.

After four studio albums, Riders in the Sky recorded a live album of the kind of show that keeps their fans coming back for more. Along with versions of their songs, this album is highlighted by some of the Riders' best comedy routines.

Track listing:

1. Cowboy Jubilee
2. The Yodel Blues
3. When Bloom Is on the Sage
4. After You've Gone
5. Cowboy Song
6. Hold That Critter Down
7. Cielito Lindo
8. The Last Roundup
9. I Grab My Saddle Horn and Blow
10. Blue Bonnet Lady
11. When Payday Rolls Around
12. So Long Saddle Pals
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This picture is part of the albums:
Riders in the Sky
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