Riders in the Sky - Best of the West Rides Again album cover - picture uploaded by fatespuppet to people

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Riders in the Sky - Best of the West Rides Again album cover
 Album is a compilation recording released by the Western band Riders in the Sky on October 25, 1990. It is available as a single CDt.

This is the second compilation taken from the Rounder albums presented by Riders in the Sky.
Track listing:

1. Three on the Trail
2. Back in the Saddle Again
3. Cool Water
4. Desperado Trail
5. At the End of the Rainbow Trail
6. Down the Trail to San Antone
7. Blue Shadows on the Trail
8. Jingle Jangle Jingle
9. Pecos Bill
10. Streets Of Laredo (The Cowboy's Lament)
11. West Texas Cowboy
12. Cowpoke
13. Old El Paso
14. Skyball Paint
15. Compadres in the Old Sierra Madre
16. Bound To Hit the Trail
17. Ojo Caliente
18. The Yodel Blues
19. Pretty Prairie Princess
20. Chasin' the Sun
21. When the Bloom Is on the Sage
22. Singing A Song to the Sky
23. On the Rhythm Range
24. Red River Valley
25. When Payday Rolls Around
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This picture is part of the albums:
Riders in the Sky
Riders in the Sky - Always Drink Upstream from the Herd album coverRiders in the Sky - Cowboys in Love album coverRiders in the Sky - Best of the West Rides Again album coverRiders in the Sky - Harmony Ranch album coverRiders in the Sky - Ridin the Tweetsie Railroad album cover
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