Riders in the Sky - Riders Radio Theater album cover - picture uploaded by fatespuppet to people

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Riders in the Sky - Riders Radio Theater album cover
 Riders Radio Theater is a studio recording released by the Western band Riders in the Sky on June 27, 1988. It is available as a single CD.

This contains 18 digitally recorded selections, mock "Public Service Announcements", traffic reports, and commercials. Known for their odd outlooks, these three cowboys are some of America's favorites.

Track listing The Scene:

1. Riders Radio Theme
2. Chant of the Wanderer
3. Udder Butter on a Rope
4. Trail Traffic Report
5. Sagebrush Sports Report
6. Cattle Call
7. Bio Feedbag
8. Trail Traffic Update
9. Call of the Wild
10. Triple X Stock Report
11. Sundown Blues
12. Riders Radio Theme (Reprise)
13. Pops
14. Saddle Whiz
15. Meltdown on the Mesa
16. So Long Saddle Pals
17. The Long Shot
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This picture is part of the albums:
Riders in the Sky
Riders in the Sky - The Cowboy Way album coverRiders in the Sky - Riders go Commercial album coverRiders in the Sky - Riders Radio Theater album coverRiders in the Sky - Three on the Trail album coverRiders in the Sky - Live Riders in the Sky album cover
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