Riders in the Sky - Public Cowboy 1 album cover - picture uploaded by xTrinity to people

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Riders in the Sky - Public Cowboy 1 album cover
 Public Cowboy is a studio recording released by the Western band Riders in the Sky on October 22, 1996. It is available as a single CD.

"Gene Autry's music was always more than something which fed childhood fantasies. It is still more than something which fuels or expresses adult nostalgia. A life-time of writing, performing, and recording music marks Gene Autry as an undeniable influence on his diverse audiences, on the development of Western music, and on the image of the cowboy. Even a performer as important as Autry could be forgotten in time if it were not for a new generation which records his music. We are fortunate that the Riders are of our time and have offered such an instrumental and vocal tribute which stands as a respectful interpretation of Gene Autry's cowboy classics. Let Riders in the Sky take you on a journey through our collective musical heritage. It is a trip worth taking." --James H. Nottage
Track listing:

1. Back in the Saddle Again
2. Sioux City Sue
3. Mexicali Rose
4. You Are My Sunshine
5. Have I Told You Lately That I Love You
6. Can't Shake The Sands of Texas From My Shoes
7. That Silver Haired Daddy of Mine
8. Be Honest With Me
9. Blue Canadian Rockies
10. Lonely River
11. South of the Border
12. Ridin' Down the Canyon (When the Desert Sun Goes Down)
13. (Bonus Track) I Wish I Were a Negro
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5/5 (1 Votes)
This picture is part of the albums:
Riders in the Sky
Riders in the Sky - Merry Christmas from Harmony Ranch album coverRiders in the Sky - Great Big Western Howdy album coverRiders in the Sky - Public Cowboy 1 album coverRiders in the Sky - A Pair of Kings album coverRiders in the Sky - Cowboy Jubilee album cover
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