Riders in the Sky - Cowboys in Love album cover - picture uploaded by xTrinity to people

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Riders in the Sky - Cowboys in Love album cover
 Cowboys in Love is a studio recording released by the Western band Riders in the Sky in 1994. It is available on as a single CD.

Track listing:

1. The Cowboy's in Love
2. Along the Santa Fe Trail
3. One Has My Name (The Other Has My Heart)
4. Wimmen...Who Needs 'Em
5. Sweet Señorita Teresa
6. Farr Away Stomp (A Tribute to Our Four Legged Friends)
7. The Yellow Rose of Texas
8. La Malagueña
9. I'm a Ding Dong Daddy
10. Early Autumn
11. You're Wearin' Out Your Welcome, Matt
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This picture is part of the albums:
Riders in the Sky
Riders in the Sky - New Trails album coverRiders in the Sky - Always Drink Upstream from the Herd album coverRiders in the Sky - Cowboys in Love album coverRiders in the Sky - Best of the West Rides Again album coverRiders in the Sky - Harmony Ranch album cover
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