Riders in the Sky - A Pair of Kings album cover - picture uploaded by bignoseeddy to people

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Riders in the Sky - A Pair of Kings album cover
 A Pair of Kings is a studio recording released by the Western band Riders in the Sky on February 19, 2002. It is available as a single CD.

Track listing:

1. We're Burnin' Moonlight
2. Clarinet Polka
3. You Stole My Wife You Horsethief
4. How High the Moon
5. Texas Sand
6. Celtic Medley - Annie Laurie/Scotland the Brave/Haste to the Wedding
7. I'm an Old Cowhand (From the Rio Grande)
8. Jessie Polka
9. Never Go to Church on Sunday
10. The Bunkhouse Race
11. Don't Sweetheart Me
12. Katherine's Waltz
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This picture is part of the albums:
Riders in the Sky
Riders in the Sky - Great Big Western Howdy album coverRiders in the Sky - Public Cowboy 1 album coverRiders in the Sky - A Pair of Kings album coverRiders in the Sky - Cowboy Jubilee album coverRiders in the Sky - Prairie Serenade album cover
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