Robert Plant - Nine lives album cover - picture uploaded by shiftingjoe to people -> shiftingjoe -> Robert Plant - Nine lives album cover

Robert Plant - Nine lives album cover
 Nine Lives is a box set of Robert Plant's solo work, released on November 21, 2006. It includes remastered and expanded editions of nine albums with unreleased tracks and b-sides and a DVD.

The DVD has 20 music videos, live performance footage, and a career-spanning interview with Plant, as well as interviews with friends including Phil Collins, singer-songwriter Tori Amos, tennis star John McEnroe, and former Atlantic Records President Ahmet Ertegun, among others.

The albums are:

* Pictures at Eleven
* The Principle of Moments
* The Honeydrippers: Volume 1
* Shaken 'n' Stirred
* Now and Zen
* Manic Nirvana
* Fate of Nations
* Dreamland
* Mighty ReArranger
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Robert Plant - Nine lives album cover
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Robert Plant
Robert Plant : p02052r1m4wRobert Plant : p06205yt9i0Robert Plant - Nine lives album coverRobert Plant - Shaken n Stirred album coverRobert Plant - Manic Nirvana album cover
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