Rush - Vapor Trails album cover - picture uploaded by sotrah to people -> sotrah -> Rush - Vapor Trails album cover

Rush - Vapor Trails album cover
 Vapor Trails is the seventeenth studio album by the Canadian rock band Rush, released in 2002.

The release of Vapor Trails marked the first studio album for the band in six years (since Test for Echo in 1996). Long known for purposeful stylistic changes that defined individual albums as well as delineated the larger-scale phases of their recording career, Vapor Trails brought a shift in many fundamental aspects of the Rush sound as it had evolved over the years. On Vapor Trails there are no keyboards, no traditional guitar solos, and no processed-guitar tones. Instead, Vapor Trails uses a more purified guitar tone, lots of vocal, guitar and even bass overdubs, and an overall darker tone to the music and lyrics. All in all, Vapor Trails offers a dramatic rethinking of Rush's fundamental musical mores, suggesting that they have embarked on yet another new direction. However, it seems that Rush still will maintain a progressive edge as many of the songs feature odd meters: i.e alternating 6/4 5/4 and 4/4 in "Freeze",. The album has sold over 330,000 copies since its release.

Track listing:

1. "One Little Victory" – 5:08
2. "Ceiling Unlimited" – 5:28
3. "Ghost Rider" – 5:41
4. "Peaceable Kingdom" – 5:23
5. "The Stars Look Down" – 4:28
6. "How It Is" – 4:05
7. "Vapor Trail" – 4:57
8. "Secret Touch" – 6:34
9. "Earthshine" – 5:38
10. "Sweet Miracle" – 3:40
11. "Nocturne" – 4:49
12. "Freeze (Part IV Of Fear)" – 6:21
13. "Out Of The Cradle" – 5:03
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Rush - Vapor Trails album cover
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