Rush - Permanent Waves album cover - picture uploaded by colonelrusty to people -> colonelrusty -> Rush - Permanent Waves album cover

Rush - Permanent Waves album cover
 Permanent Waves is the seventh studio album by the Canadian rock band Rush, released January 1, 1980. The album was recorded at Le Studio, Morin Heights, Quebec, and was mixed at Trident Studios in London, UK.

Track listing:

1. "The Spirit of Radio" – 4:56
2. "Freewill" – 5:21
3. "Jacob's Ladder" – 7:26
4. "Entre Nous" – 4:36
5. "Different Strings" – 3:48
6. "Natural Science" – 9:17
* "Tide Pools" – 2:21
* "Hyperspace" – 2:47
* "Permanent Waves" – 4:08
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Rush - Permanent Waves album cover
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