Todd Rundgren - A cappella album cover - picture uploaded by zazen to people -> zazen -> Todd Rundgren - A cappella album cover

Todd Rundgren - A cappella album cover
 A Cappella is a 1985 album by Todd Rundgren. The album is one of Rundgren's most unusual in that every sound is the product of the artist's voice. Though it's presented in the conventional way on most songs, all accompanying music comprises vocal-overdubs that are often electronically manipulated and/or looped in order to mimic conventional rock instruments, handclaps, and other various sounds. This unique approach to music-making was later explored by artists such as Mike Patton and Björk, though Rundgren's album is arguably more accessible in that the material is often pop-influenced.

Track listing:

All songs written by Todd Rundgren, except for "Mighty Love": Hawes/Jefferson/Simmons.

1. "Blue Orpheus"
2. "Johnee Jingo"
3. "Pretending to Care"
4. "Hodja"
5. "Lost Horizon"
6. "Something to Fall Back On"
7. "Miracle in the Bazaar"
8. "Lockjaw"
9. "Honest Work"
10. "Mighty Love"
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Todd Rundgren
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