Yngwie Malmsteen - Trial By Fire album cover - picture uploaded by fatespuppet to people

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Yngwie Malmsteen - Trial By Fire album cover
 Trial By Fire is a live album released by Yngwie J. Malmsteen issued in October of 1989. Many of the songs are instrumental and are strongly influenced by 1970s prog rock and heavy metal, such as Deep Purple's Machine Head or ELP's Tarkus.

Track listing:

1. "Liar" – 3:56 (Y.J. Malmsteen)
2. "Queen In Love" – 3:55 (Y.J. Malmsteen)
3. "Déjà Vu" – 4:05 (Y.J. Malmsteen and J.L. Turner)
4. "Far Beyond The Sun" – 8:17 (Y.J. Malmsteen)
5. "Heaven Tonight" – 4:27 (Y.J. Malmsteen and J.L. Turner)
6. "Dreaming (Tell Me)" – 6:34 (Y.J. Malmsteen and J.L. Turner)
7. "You Don't Remember I'll Never Forget" – 6:04 (Y.J. Malmsteen)
8. "Guitar Solo (Trilogy Suite Op: 5...)" – 10:16 (Y.J. Malmsteen)
9. "Crystal Ball" – 6:03 (Y.J. Malmsteen and J.L. Turner)
10. "Black Star" – 6:09 (Y.J. Malmsteen)
11. "Spanish Castle Magic" – 6:44 (Jimi Hendrix)
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This picture is part of the albums:
Yngwie Malmsteen
Yngwie Malmsteen - Fire And Ice album coverYngwie Malmsteen - Marching Out album coverYngwie Malmsteen - Trial By Fire album coverYngwie Malmsteen - Magnum Opus album coverYngwie Malmsteen - The seventh 7 sign album cover
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