Van Morrison - Blowin Your Mind album cover - picture uploaded by zazen to people -> zazen -> Van Morrison - Blowin Your Mind album cover

Van Morrison - Blowin Your Mind album cover
 Blowin' Your Mind! is the solo debut album by Irish musician Van Morrison, recorded on the 28th and 29th of March, 1967. It contained his first solo pop hit "Brown Eyed Girl".

Morrison does not regard this record as a true album, because it was compiled and released by Bert Berns without his consent. The songs were intended to be released on four separate singles. The album jacket became notorious as a model of bad taste. As the singer recalls, "I got a call saying it was an album coming out and this is the cover. And I saw the cover and I almost threw up, you know."

Track listing:

all songs by Morrison, unless noted otherwise.

[*] Alternate takes appearing on CD version released in February 1994.

1. "Brown Eyed Girl" – 3:03
2. "He Ain't Give You None" – 5:13
3. "T.B. Sheets" – 9:44
4. "Spanish Rose" – 3:06
5. "Goodbye Baby (Baby Goodbye)" (Farrell / Russell) – 2:57
6. "Ro Ro Rosey" – 3:03
7. "Who Drove the Red Sports Car?" – 5:35
8. "Midnight Special" (traditional) – 2:51
9. "Spanish Rose" [*] – 3:38
10. "Ro Ro Rosey" [*] – 3:09
11. "Goodbye Baby (Baby Goodbye)" (Farrell / Russell) [*] – 2:39
12. "Who Drove the Red Sports Car?" [*] – 3:49
13. "Midnight Special" (traditional) [*] – 2:46
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Van Morrison - Blowin Your Mind album cover
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This picture is part of the albums:
Van Morrison
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