The Kinks - Give the People What They Want album cover - picture uploaded by sweet51 to people -> sweet51 -> The Kinks - Give the People What They Want album cover

The Kinks - Give the People What They Want album cover
 Give the People What They Want is an album by the English rock group The Kinks released in August of 1981 in the US, but it was delayed until January of 1982 in Europe.

Track listing:

All songs by Ray Davies

1. "Around the Dial" – 4:45
2. "Give the People What They Want" – 3:45
3. "Killer's Eyes" – 4:40
4. "Predictable" – 3:31
5. "Add It Up" – 3:14
6. "Destroyer" – 3:47
7. "Yo-Yo" – 4:10
8. "Back to Front" – 3:15
9. "Art Lover" – 3:22
10. "A Little Bit of Abuse" – 3:45
11. "Better Things" – 2:59
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The Kinks - Give the People What They Want album cover
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This picture is part of the albums:
The Kinks
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