The Herbaliser - Session One album cover - picture uploaded by panicattack to people -> panicattack -> The Herbaliser - Session One album cover

The Herbaliser - Session One album cover
 Session One is an album released by The Herbaliser on 26 May 2000. While the band had been together since the mid 1990s, contributing to and promoting Herbaliser's largely electronically produced albums, this was the first and to date the only 'live' band album.

The tracks are all 'live' representations of instrumental tracks from the first three Herbaliser albums, Remedies, Blow Your Headphones and Very Mercenary.

The music is a unique mix of jazz/funk/hip hop with the classic 'big band' sound.

Track listing:

1. "Who's The Realest"
2. "Ginger Jumps The Fence"
3. "Shocka Zulu"
4. "Shattered Soul"
5. "Sensual Woman"
6. "Missing Suitcase"
7. "Goldrush"
8. "Forty Winks"
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This picture is part of the albums:
The Herbaliser
The Herbaliser - Something Wicked this way comes album coverThe Herbaliser - Remedies album coverThe Herbaliser - Session One album coverThe Herbaliser - Solid Steel Herbal Blend album coverThe Herbaliser : The-Herbaliser-fl02
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