Talib Kweli - Quality album cover - picture uploaded by zazen to people

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Talib Kweli - Quality album cover
 Quality is rapper Talib Kweli's second album. It was released on December 16, 2002 under Rawkus Records. It had much critical acclaim and had some commercial appeal from the song "Get By" produced by Kanye West.

Track listing:

1. "Keynote Speaker"
2. "Rush"
3. "Get By"
4. "Shock Body"
6. "Waitin' For The DJ"
7. "Joy"
8. "Talk To You (Lil' Darlin')"
9. "Guerrilla Monsoon Rap"
10. "Put It In The Air"
11. "The Proud"
12. "Where Do We Go"
13. "Stand To The Side"
14. "Good To You"
15. "Won't You Stay"
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This picture is part of the albums:
Talib Kweli
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