Richard Marx - Rush Street album cover - picture uploaded by chemicalarcticdrink to people -> chemicalarcticdrink -> Richard Marx - Rush Street album cover

Richard Marx - Rush Street album cover
 Rush Street is an album by Richard Marx, released in 1991. The single "Hazard" reached a high of 9 on the Billboard Hot 100 charts in 1992.

Track listing:

1. "Playing with Fire"
2. "Love Unemotional"
3. "Keep Coming Back"
4. "Take This Heart"
5. "Hazard"
6. "Hands In Your Pocket"
7. "Calling You"
8. "Superstar"
9. "Streets Of Pain"
10. "I Get No Sleep"
11. "Big Boy Now"
12. "Chains Around My Heart"
13. "Your World"
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Richard Marx - Rush Street album cover
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This picture is part of the albums:
Richard Marx
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