Randy Newman - 12 Songs album cover - picture uploaded by zazen to people

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Randy Newman - 12 Songs album cover
 12 Songs is a 1970 album by singer/songwriter Randy Newman. His second album, 12 Songs received much better reviews than his first. On 12 Songs Newman collaborates with Clarence White and Ry Cooder. The album set the stage for Newman's later career, with love songs interspersed with socially aware songs decrying racism, and energetic rock songs. In 2003, the album was ranked number 354 on Rolling Stone magazine's list of the 500 greatest albums of all time.

Track listing:

1. "Have You Seen My Baby?" (Newman) – 2:32
2. "Let's Burn Down the Cornfield" (Newman) – 3:03
3. "Mama Told Me (Not to Come)" (Newman) – 2:12
4. "Suzanne" (Newman) – 3:15
5. "Lover's Prayer" (Newman) – 1:55
6. "Lucinda" (Newman) – 2:40
7. "Underneath the Harlem Moon" (Botnick/Herschberg) – 1:52
8. "Yellow Man" (Newman) – 2:19
9. "Old Kentucky Home" (Newman) – 2:40
10. "Rosemary" (Newman) – 2:08
11. "If You Need Oil" (Newman) – 3:00
12. "Uncle Bob's Midnight Blues" (Newman) – 2:15
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Randy Newman
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