Nada Surf - Let go album cover - picture uploaded by sweet51 to people -> sweet51 -> Nada Surf - Let go album cover

Nada Surf - Let go album cover
 Let Go is a 2003 album by Nada Surf. It was well-received by critics and reached #31 on Billboard's Top Independent Albums chart. The single for "Inside of Love" received some airplay and reached #73 in the United Kingdom.

The track “Blonde on Blonde” was featured in the opening credits to the 2004 German film Sommersturm (Summer Storm), and other songs from Let Go are occasionally heard in TV commercials and on more obscure radio stations.

This album has been released with the Copy Control protection system in some regions.

Track listing:

1. "Blizzard Of '77"
2. "Happy Kid"
3. "Inside of Love"
4. "Fruit Fly"
5. "Blonde on Blonde"
6. "Hi-Speed Soul"
7. "Killian's Red"
8. "Way You Wear Your Head"
9. "Neither Heaven Nor Space"
10. "Là Pour Ça"
11. "Treading Water"
12. "Paper Boats"
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This picture is part of the albums:
Nada Surf
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