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Billy Joel - Songs in the Attic album cover
 Songs in the Attic is the first live album by Billy Joel, released in 1981.

At the time of its release, it was unique as being the first widely available appearance of music from his first album, Cold Spring Harbor from 1971. Two songs from the album, "Say Goodbye to Hollywood" and "She's Got a Way," were released as singles, both making the top 25.

This album was released in 1981 to introduce Billy Joel fan’s who had come to know him after The Stranger to his earlier work. In his earlier work, most of the instruments were played by session musicians, but by the late 1970s, Joel had a fairley consistent touring group, and so wanted to showcase the songs in the way the band he was then playing with would play them.

Track listing:

All songs written by Billy Joel.

1. "Miami 2017 (Seen the Lights Go Out on Broadway)" – 5:05
2. "Summer, Highland Falls" – 3:03
3. "Streetlife Serenader" – 5:17
4. "Los Angelenos" – 3:48
5. "She's Got a Way" – 3:10
6. "Everybody Loves You Now" - 3:08
7. "Say Goodbye to Hollywood" – 4:25 [6]
8. "Captain Jack" – 7:16
9. "You're My Home" – 3:07
10. "The Ballad of Billy the Kid" – 5:28
11. "I've Loved These Days" – 4:35
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This picture is part of the albums:
Billy Joel
Billy Joel : Billy Joel-ASG-003708Billy Joel : Billy Joel-ASG-003707Billy Joel : Billy-Joel-sp01Billy Joel - Songs in the Attic album coverBilly Joel - 2000 Years The Millennium concert album cover
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