Curtis Mayfield - Superfly album cover - picture uploaded by panicattack to people -> panicattack -> Curtis Mayfield - Superfly album cover

Curtis Mayfield - Superfly album cover
 Superfly is a 1972 film soundtrack by Curtis Mayfield for the blaxploitation film Superfly. Widely considered a classic of early-1970s soul and released in July of 1972, Superfly was a nearly immediate hit. Its sales were bolstered by two million-selling singles, "Freddie's Dead" (#2 R&B, #4 Pop) and the title track (#5 R&B, #8 Pop).
Track listing:

All selections written and produced by Curtis Mayfield.

1. "Little Child Runnin' Wild" – 5:23
2. "Pusherman"– 4:50
3. "Freddie's Dead" – 5:27
4. "Junkie Chase" [instrumental] – 1:36
5. "Give Me Your Love (Love Song)" – 4:14
6. "Eddie You Should Know Better" – 2:16
7. "No Thing on Me (Cocaine Song)" – 4:53
8. "Think" [instrumental] – 3:43
9. "Superfly" – 3:55

Deluxe 25th Anniversary Collection

On November 11, 1997 Rhino Records released a 25th Anniversary collection of the Superfly album with a bonus disc of demo versions of songs, radio spots and interviews.

1. "Freddie's Dead (Theme from Superfly)" – 3:20
2. "Superfly" (Mayfield) – 3:08
3. "Ghetto Child (demo version)" (Mayfield) – 3:18
4. "Pusherman" (Mayfield) – 6:10
5. "Freddie's Dead" (Mayfield) – 4:48
6. "Junkie Chase (instrumental)" (Mayfield) – 4:18
7. "No Thing on Me (Cocaine Song)" (Mayfield) – 4:36
8. "Militant March {From "Score"}" (Mayfield) – 0:54
9. "Eddie You Should Know Better" (Mayfield) – 2:17
10. "Radio Spot #1" (Mayfield) – 0:28
11. "The Underground (demo version)" (Mayfield) – 3:13
12. "Check Out Your Mind" (Mayfield) – 4:06
13. "Radio Spot #2" (Mayfield) – 0:28
14. "Curtis Mayfield (interview)" – 7:02

1999 Re-Issue

In 1999 Rhino Records re-leased Superfly again but with only two bonus tracks.

1. "Freddie's Dead (Theme from Superfly)" – 3:20
2. "Superfly" (Mayfield) – 3:08

2001 Re-Issue

On December 11, 2001 the British record label Charly Records re-released the album with several bonus tracks, similar to the 25th Anniversary release by Rhino in 1997.

1. "Ghetto Child [demo version]" (Mayfield) – 3:18
2. "Pusherman [mix]" (Mayfield – 6:10
3. "Freddie's Dead [Instrumental Version]" (Mayfield – 4:48
4. "Junkie Chase [instrumental]" (Mayfield) – 4:17
5. "Militant March {From "Score"}" (Mayfield) – 0:54
6. "Eddie You Should Know Better [instrumental version]" (Mayfield) – 2:16
7. "No Thing on Me (Cocaine Song) [instrumental version]" (Mayfield) – 4:36
8. "Superfly [Single Mix]" (Mayfield) – 3:10
9. "Freddie's Dead [Single Mix]" (Mayfield) – 3:19
10. "Radio Spot #1" (Mayfield) – 0:27
11. "The Underground [demo version]" (Mayfield) – 3:12
12. "Check Out Your Mind [instrumental]" (Mayfield) – 4:05
13. "Radio Spot #2" (Mayfield) – 0:23
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This picture is part of the albums:
Curtis Mayfield
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