Elton John - Tumbleweed Connection album cover - picture uploaded by ohjoy to people

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Elton John - Tumbleweed Connection album cover
 Tumbleweed Connection is the third album by British singer/songwriter Elton John, released in 1970. In 2003, the album was ranked number 455 on Rolling Stone magazine's list of the 500 greatest albums of all time.

Track listing:

All songs by John/Taupin, except where noted.

1. "Ballad of a Well-Known Gun" – 4:59
2. "Come Down in Time" – 3:26
3. "Country Comfort" – 5:07
4. "Son of Your Father" – 3:48
5. "My Father's Gun" – 6:20
6. "Where to Now St. Peter?" – 4:12
7. "Love Song" (Lesley Duncan) – 3:41
8. "Amoreena" – 4:59
9. "Talking Old Soldiers" – 4:08
10. "Burn Down the Mission" – 6:37

Bonus tracks (1996 CD reissue)

11. "Into the Old Man's Shoes" – 4:04
12. "Madman Across the Water" (Original version) – 8:56
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Elton John
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