George Jones - Me and the First Lady album cover - picture uploaded by jheart to people -> jheart -> George Jones - Me and the First Lady album cover

George Jones - Me and the First Lady album cover
 Me and the First Lady is an album by country music artists George Jones and Tammy Wynette. This album was released in 1972 on the Epic Records label.


1. We Believe in Each Other
2. Lovely Place to Cry
3. There's Power in Our Love
4. Perfect Match
5. Great Divide
6. To Live on Love
7. You and Me Together
8. Lovin' You Is Worth It
9. We're Gonna Try to Get Along
10. It's Been a Beautiful Life
11. Ceremony
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This picture is part of the albums:
George Jones
George Jones - You Oughta Be Here with Me album coverGeorge Jones - Walls can fall album coverGeorge Jones - Me and the First Lady album coverGeorge Jones : George Jones-1George Jones : George Jones-3
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